So I woke up yesterday unable to speak (one of my all time favorite pastimes) How frustrating... or so I thought. I was selfishly annoyed that I could not sing. I was supposed to sing back up for one of my best friends at one of our church campuses but I had absolutely no voice so I couldn't. My first thoughts were that I was so frustrated because I wanted to sing with her... I... I... I am so selfish sometimes! Instead of just trusting that God knew this was going to happen and being happy for her, my first thoughts were about me. WOW. So after sitting and listening to her do a few of the songs by herself, it hit me- a LOT hit me, actually. The first thing was that she was great, awesome even, all by her self. And though her voice is fabulous, it was her heart that really made her stand out. She wasn't there to make an awesome sound, she was there to worship and to lead others in to worship. Even during practice, I cought myself drifting off in to worship and oh how sweet it was! That was one of the first times I couldn't sing and actually got lost in worship. When the music was drowned out by the overwhelming love I felt for my creator, it no longer was about me. I hate that I ever thought it was about me in the first place but am so glad to have had this time to reflect and enjoy worship as it should be- from my heart.
In the silence, I heard God. In this silence, I felt Him. In the silence I realized it's all about Him. In this time of two days now, I have been completely humbled. Oh, what a glorious thing this is. I feel like poop pysically but my heart is being renewed. One cool side effect to being forced to be quiet is that I can hear others, as well. I am such a selfish being that I talk all of the time- I have always done that, like it always has to be about me- even when it's about someone else, I have been treating it like it's about me. But it's so not, and I am so thankful. I have heard some of the most interesting things and learned more about people in the last two days than I have in a long time. I guess it's time for me to be quiet. People really do have a lot to teach, a lot to share, and I think sometimes when I speak too much, or overshare, I am taking away from time that other people need to get their thoughts or feelings out. So as I sat back in class yesterday (mostly not speaking), I learned so much and was so blessed... blessed to have been silent and to know God, to really KNOW Him.
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